Trucking is the most regulated industry in Canada and the USA. We as a team of experts at TicketZapper keep track of complex and changing regulatory issues related to the trucking industry in every state/province of North America. You can purely focus on your trucking business as we help you stay updated with all the compliance with the MTO (Ministry of Transportation Officers) to avoid any unnecessary legal expenses.


Usually, the CVOR audits are conducted when a carrier’s overall traffic ticket violation rate exceeds fifty (50) percent. Why wait for any audit be always prepared for it. We at TicketZapper help you be ready for the AUDITS by performing the Mock audits at your office(s). It simulates the actual audits as this is one of the best ways to ensure that you are up-to-date with your records and any kind of mismatch can be taken care of well in time.


CVOR System is used to monitor- accidents involve, traffic tickets, Inspections by ministry officers, the assignment of points to safety-related incidents, and all commercial vehicle safety alliance passes or failed for commercial trucking. We at TicketZapper guide you with all kinds of advice, guidance, and support during the Audit Trails from the Ministry of Transportation. We stand by you through the complete audit process.

DO NOT pay fines or fight alone
rather just call us at 1-844 764 6877